Resolved – Error 495 in Drupal – panels_renderer_standard.class.php

Notice: Undefined index: settings in panels_renderer_standard->render_pane() line 495 panels_renderer_standard.class.php). this is the original error. this is my contribution to the issue on

Posted by pjmcghee on October 23, 2013 at 8:46am new

Hey, I was able to resolve this error pretty easily. I had been working with some new styles, making a clone of an existing, changing styles around on a specific panel pane. then, i decided that i really needed to make the change to the entire column. so i added a style there and changed the panel pane style back to the original style. i then began receiving the error.

I was quite sure what was going on after reading this post (and thanks @merlinofchaos! for everything!). I recreated the offending, or broken panel pane to make sure it worked properly, deleted the original pane and saved the page. the error is now gone.

then, i added the original style to the new, recreated pane. now, all is correct and the error is gone. and i have the new style on the column so that i can style the whole thing the way that works best for me.

so there never was actually an empty style, i believe that the system just got a little confused with the multiple changes. that also seems to be consistent with some drupal panel behavior. sometimes you just need to delete and recreate rather than fix unless you want to really dig into the db. and i really don’t!

small price to pay for the amazing panels module. @merlinofchaos – you rock.

Undefined index: settings in panels_renderer_standard->render_pane() (line 495

I received this error after adding a content pane to a panel page. It really didn’t make much sense, looked like it might be related to a malformed machine name. – here is some info about the error in general.

what i did to fix it was remove the last Views Content Pane that I had added and saved. The error disappeared.

I opened the View itself and saved that without making any changes and was able to readd the pane to the page and viola! no more error. Very odd….

Tab Tamer – Error from Node add/edit when using Panels and Variants

tab tamer is a great module. all the default drupal tabs along the top really throw off my css. so i found this great mod to help. tab tamer allows you very granular control over the system generated tabs.

When I chose “hidden” for the tab in tab tamer for the node/edit field the variant for node add/edit disabled itself. after testing a few things, i was able to get it working again by setting that specific tab to hidden.

Patch for Service Links – Failed: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: – and a good example of patch syntax

Drupal patches can be a pain. I usually just apply them manually because the line numbers don’t always line up (various reasons) and that way I get to look at the code. But this patch was fairly complicated and the error occurs at update.php so I didn’t want to mess around with it. Here is some detail about the error, and the syntax needed to install the patch using the patch shell command.

Upon a standard upgrade to the Service Links module, I encountered a known error during the update.php section, where the db is upgraded to add some elements to the schema.

The following updates returned messages

service_links module

Update #6200
Failed: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘service_links_show_’ in ‘where clause’: SELECT name FROM {variable} v WHERE LOCATE(“service_links_show_”, > 0; Array ( ) in service_links_update_6200() (line 46 of /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/service_links/service_links.install).

Here is a link to the fix:

This is the exact syntax that was provided:

patch service_links.install drupal7-service_links-2.2-update_1.patch

from within the service_links folder

Error from Link Module – line 1305 link.module

I have been getting this error when I save fields to a content type that I have created. Here is the error.

Notice: Undefined index: title_value in link_field_update_instance() (line 1305 of /var/www/foo/public/sites/all/modules/link/link.module) – note the path may not be the same for you.

Here is the issue summary:

There is a patch listed here. very easy to install manually. and fixed the issue.

Views Upgrade and subsequent patch

Well, to my chagrin (AGAIN) I have had to patch the Views module after a routine upgrade. This time was better than the last but it still wasn’t fun.

You have to patch the file. you can read earlier posts about this to get some of the additional details.

this is before:

// ———————————————————————-
// Aggregator category feed table

$data[‘aggregator_category_feed’][‘table’][‘join’] = array(
‘aggregator_item’ => array(
‘left_field’ => ‘fid’,
‘field’ => ‘fid’,

// ———————————————————————-
// Aggregator category table

$data[‘aggregator_category’][‘table’][‘group’] = t(‘Aggregator category’);

$data[‘aggregator_category’][‘table’][‘join’] = array(
‘aggregator_item’ => array(
// ‘left_table’ => ‘aggregator_category_feed’,
‘left_table’ => ‘aggregator_category_item’,
‘left_field’ => ‘cid’,
‘field’ => ‘cid’,

And this is after:

// ———————————————————————-
// Aggregator category feed table

$data[‘aggregator_category_item’][‘table’][‘join’] = array(
‘aggregator_item’ => array(
‘left_field’ => ‘iid’,
‘field’ => ‘iid’,

// ———————————————————————-
// Aggregator category table

$data[‘aggregator_category’][‘table’][‘group’] = t(‘Aggregator category’);

$data[‘aggregator_category’][‘table’][‘join’] = array(
‘aggregator_item’ => array(
// ‘left_table’ => ‘aggregator_category_feed’,
‘left_table’ => ‘aggregator_category_item’,
‘left_field’ => ‘cid’,
‘field’ => ‘cid’,

CKEditor could not be detected – resolution

Well, I had trouble installing the CKEditor so I went with TinyMCE. But I began to get errors from that as well. And I don’t really like using a solution because I didn’t take the time to figure out what was wrong. So I went back and made CKEditor work. There is a patch for those of you using WYSIWYG 7.x-2.0 and CKEDITOR 7.x. You may receive an error that CKEditor cannot be detected.  This fixed it for me in sand and prod.

Here’s another Patch

Posted by sakseiw on December 5, 2012 at 1:50pm

In …/modules/wysiwyg/editors/ change line from function wysiwyg_ckeditor_version($editor)

if (preg_match(‘@version:\'(?:CKEditor )?([\d\.]+)(?:.+revision:\'([\d]+))?@’, $line, $version)) {


if (preg_match(‘@version:\”(?:CKEditor )?([\d\.]+)(?:.+revision:\”([\d]+))?@’, $line, $version)) {

This changes version number search from single quotes version: ‘4.0’ to double quotes version “4.0”

It worked for me on Drupal 7.17 and wysiwyg 7.x-2.2

Views Upgrade –

A new version of the Views module was issued last night and I had to reapply the patch that I wrote about last month. Here is a link to that issue

Aggregator categories, Views, Feeds, Panels and a solution

Error page redirection

Before I go back to the multilingual stuff, I need to config the site so that pages with errors redirect to a “friendly” page.

If someone sends an invite out with a malformed email address, they are getting a sql error page with no option but to hit back. This is ok, but not great. I will investigate this now. There are mods to do this and of course I could sanitize the input field. But i would rather have a catchall at this point.

Prod error deleting user account

Getting this error when I deleted an account and put the content under the anonymous user.

Warning: Parameter 1 to page_title_user_cancel() expected to be a reference, value given in module_invoke_all() (line 857 of/var/www/html/includes/

I have deleted many account before but not where i have kept the content under anonymous. ill keep an eye on it.