Quicktabs with CSS

Quicktabs is one of the best modules that I have found as far as getting a really nice, tabbed-style, JQuery layout. The mod comes with several different style, out of the box, and it wasn’t too hard to add some cool customizations via CSS. The bottom image is the way the Nav tab style looks out of the box. It gives a nice cle


an vertical set of links. But what I really wanted was to have images along with some text to make the menu look sharp. There are some files in the modules CSS folder that I overrode in the .info file. Some of the changes I was able to make in my own custom CSS file. There appear to be a few issues with the “active” LI items vs the non “active” items. But, i was able to get this to work without too many issues. VERY NICE MODULE.Image

Great site for CSS

Check this site out for some great CSS examples.


Quicktabs – AJAX, Views and Panels

This module turned out to be a a real blessing for me. My site offers the ability to research news, court cases and legislation. As this content is viewed, my users are able to drag and drop links, text, pics, pretty much whatever and then save the node as a custom content type.

Originally, I was faced with the idea that each type of content was going to have a separate “Notes” area. This was OK but not ideal. Drupal users AJAX quite a bit so I started digging around and found Quicktabs. You can see from the ss below that this module allows you to place content in tabs areas for easy organization and quick access. It uses JQuery and AJAX (It also uses a non-ajax mode) to allow seemless loading of all sorts of content. For me, I really need to be able to display Views. This is not a problem and with the View that is being displayed enabled to use AJAX as well, allows for a really great way to see content without having to do page refreshes.

Quicktabs as an install base of over 35k so it is well-vetted. GREAT module.
