Drupal.org Site Building Guide

The Drupal.org Site Building Guide is ione of the best resources out there for using the functionality of drupal and its modules. I’m a bit surprised that I haven’t listed it before. But book mark the top of the guide if you are in the process of designing a site from the functionality perspective.


Forum, blog and UX

Today i’ll work on permissions and usability of the forum module. then the multi-user blog. I have them installed but I want to make sure that the end user experience is satisfactory. I’m adding a new category called UX, for user experience.

CKEditor Module

I have decided to dump the route using WSIWYG API and the CKEditor library together. I really shouldn’t have posted so soon. I didn’t have all the info about the choice. Maybe I still don’t but I don’t think so. I have dumped the WYSIWYG module and downloaded the CKEditor Mod here. You still have to have the library. I actually tried to make the API work but kept receiving an error about the library not existing even when i know for a fact that I had it in the right location.

so i downloaded and installed it, leaving the CKEditor library in the same, correct place and it seems to be working properly.

BTW, the CKEditor is still the choice for drupal 8’s core editor.